Thursday, May 22, 2014

Accessibility Tools for the Disabled

There were several technologies that caught my attention at the FOSE and GovSec conferences in Washington, DC last week. One was Digital Forensic Evidence Tools, and two was the Accessibility for the Disabled technologies.

I got interested on the first one because of how these tools could be used in analyzing and evaluating the digital files which head whistleblower Benhur Luy in the Pork Barrel Scam case stored as evidence.

The second one always attracted me because of the legal ramifications and the social dimension that they bring.  I will focus my discussion only on this one for this column.

In the United States, legislation was passed into law – Section 508 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the 21st Century Video and Communications Accessibility Act. It mandates that website owners and/or publishers of Federally-funded programs and services should make their websites accessible to all end users including the disabled.

One of companies that attended FOSE/GovSec and has the expertise and the patented software to make it easier for the federally funded agencies to comply with the legal mandates was AudioEye (

I had the chance to meet and talk to AudioEye’s Senior VP for Sales and Client Services, Michael Griffith at the conference.  Based in Tucson Arizona, he referred and showed me the company’s website.

AudioEye has an audio player that is made available to all end users without the burden of any software/plugin installations. The player is cross-platform and will provide access regardless of the operating system, be it Mac, Windows, iOS, or Android.

When I talk of accessibility, I always think of considering the difficulties those individuals of varying disabilities face.  Be they in the form of blindness, partial vision loss, color perception deficiencies, deaf, hard of hearing, impaired mobility or dexterity in their hands, cognitive conditions such as dyslexia, and other impaired senses common in older individuals, AudioEye as demonstrated to me was built with these differentiating disability characteristics in mind.

AudioEye provides tools unique to each impairment.  Wrapped up into a single platform, it creates an all-encompassing accessibility solution.

AudioEye also offers captioning, transcription, and translation services.  The synchronization has been proven to be effective in both audio and video files generated by You Tube, Vimeo, and other sites.

While it is known for its text to speech technology, the AudioEye solution now includes native support on a limited basis for Voice or Speech Recognition.

A few years ago, when I introduced the eBook technology in the Philippines, I came across a research that showed varying comprehension results.  When you just read, research showed a 20% comprehension. When you just listen, comprehension is 30%.  When you read and listen at the same time, comprehension is 50%. And when you read, listen/watch, and do or enact what you are reading and listening to, comprehension is about 80%.

It looks like the accessibility tools for the disabled could benefit non-disabled beings as well!

The Federal Government operates over 2,000 top

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Ex-National Security Advisor – FOSE/GovSec Keynoter

The first day of the GovSec 2014 and FOSE 2014 was interesting.  The Keynote Speaker was Tom Donilon, former National Security Advisor to President Obama.

Donilon outlined a series of national security challenges and economic opportunities facing the United States. He addressed a wide range of national security topics, including:

    Cyber Security Donilon said threats are becoming “more sophisticated and pervasive” as people and companies increasingly conduct their lives and business online. He encouraged the audience to practice good “cyber hygiene” by taking responsibility for their property online. Donilon also warned that cyber-enabled economic theft, such as theft of intellectual property by nations or groups, is becoming a critical threat, with China serving a principle home base for these threats. “You can’t have a $500 billion economic relationship without addressing that threat,” Donilon said of the U.S.-China relationship.
    War on Terror Donilon noted several successes in the war on terror, including homeland defense and disaster resiliency. He also cited the government’s aggressive efforts to dismantle terrorist networks, stating that the core of Al Qaida – the network responsible for the attacks of September 11, 2001 – has been “dramatically weakened and put on the road to defeat.” However, Donilon warned that threats continue to evolve, ranging from Al Qaida on the Arabian Peninsula and threats in Africa to the large number of Jihadi fighters gathering in Syria.
    Crisis in the Ukraine Donilon said, “the post-war order is at stake” in Ukraine and that balance of power is a very real concept to President Putin. Donilon believes that the United States has an obligation to its NATO allies and noted that allies, who share a border with Ukraine, particularly Poland, have serious security concerns. He also stated that the Ukrainian crisis is prompting European countries to reconsider their energy dependence on Russia and to explore ways to build out their own energy infrastructure.
    Edward Snowden’s National Security Revelations Donilon acknowledged that Edward Snowden’s leaks of classified documents were “tremendously damaging to our bilateral relations with other countries, such as Russia and Brazil.” He also expressed concern for the impact the revelations would have on U.S. technology companies, which need to establish trust with foreign governments in order to expand business overseas.
    Asia “Pivot” Donilon said the Obama Administration determined in its first term that the U.S. was substantially underinvested in Asia and needed to rebalance. The Trans Pacific Trade Partnership, currently under negotiation, is the U.S.’s most important economic priority in the region, he noted. He also said that the U.S.-China relationship is defined both by areas of partnership and competition. The relationship is anchored by a $500 billion in economic ties and that both countries must work cooperatively within that framework.
I have written about this Asia Pivot when President Obama was traveling to Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, and the Philippines in order to reaffirm America's commitments to that part of the world.
Efficiently and effectively managing and promoting FOSE, GovSec, TRExpo, and CPM is 1105 Media - a leading provider of integrated information and media in targeted B-to-B markets, including specialized sectors of the information technology community; industrial health, safety and compliance; security; environmental protection; and home health care. 1105’s offerings span print and online magazines, journals and newsletters; seminars, conferences and trade shows; training courseware; and Web-based services.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Government Technology Solutions 2014 on Display

I am getting ready to attend FOSE - America’s “premier event for government technology professionals seeking tools and best practices to equip their agency for the 21st century. From policy updates – straight from the Hill – and exclusive insights from today’s leading authorities, to the most comprehensive showcase of technology in action.”
FOSE, which will be on May 13-15, 2014 at the Washington DC Convention Center, is co-locating with three other significant events – GovSec, TRExpo, and CPM.
GovSec is the nation’s premier event for “Government, Homeland Security, and Law Enforcement professionals looking for proven strategies and cost effective technology so they can achieve their mission of protecting our critical infrastructures, key assets, communities and the nation.”

TRExpo is the “definitive law enforcement conference for tactical training, equipment, technology, and services for law enforcement, military, security, and federal agencies.”

CPM “addresses the issues of COOP, contingency planning and business continuity by providing access to leading organizations within the exhibit hall and critical training through its conference program. CPM provides solutions to dangers presented by weather, terrorism and other challenges for both government and private industry.”

As in previous years, I am registered as a credentialed member of the Press representing ASIAN JOURNAL USA. As such, I am authorized to attend all the conferences, all the sessions except the confidential ones, and all the expos. I am very proud to be in the very short PRESS list of only 49 and in fact, the only listed Columnist/Blogger.
FOSE is touted as the “intersection of people, technology, and knowledge.” I am indeed lucky to be one of the people who would be exposed to new technologies usually made accessible and available only to government technology professionals. Correspondingly, I am also fortunate to acquire and gain knowledge not only from other attendees and exhibitors but also from experts and authorities speaking at the sessions.
At FOSE, I expect to learn and write about innovative ideas ranging from Cybersecurity, Mobile Government, Cloud & Virtualization, Records & Information Management, and Big Data & Business Intelligence. I cannot imagine acquiring these ideas from any other source.
I also hope to witness and hear the presentation by the most promising technology start-ups of their emerging technologies developed for health, energy and smart cities. This is because FOSE has been chosen by 1776, producers of The Challenge Cup, as its venue for the presentation.
Aside from one on one meetings, I will have the opportunity to pick the brains of key decision makers – such as those who are responsible for the capture of the Boston Marathon Bombers and also get an “inside look at the hunt for Osama Bin Laden" and more.
I understand that at the exhibit hall will be hundreds of the most trusted technology suppliers servicing government and private industry.
GovSec is a two-day conference (May 13 & 14, 2014) in the same venue. Very important topics to be discussed at the conference include:
Counter and Anti-Terrorism

•Critical Infrastructure & Secured Cities

•Cyberterrorism and Cybercrime

•Law Enforcement Strategies

•Campus Security & Life Safety

I will most likely attend some of the sessions, visit the exhibit hall to discover and evaluate products, tools and technologies from security solution providers, and might even participate in events and demos.

GovSec is known as the largest and most dynamic government security expo. Here we will discover the newest trends, cutting-edge technology, tools, equipment and the exciting firms who provide them.

CPM is also a two-day conference (May 13 & 14, 2014). It will cover the following subject matters:

• Continuity/Resiliency

• Emergency Response

• Disaster Recovery


TRExpo 2014 will highlight the following:

At the exhibit hall, the following products will be on display:
    Active Shooter & Go Bags
    Dispatch Systems & Software
    Evidence Handling Systems
    Flashlights & Tactical Lighting
    Guns & Ammunition
    Law Enforcement Vehicles
    LPR Systems
    Mobile Apps
    Non-Firearm Weapons
    Personal Protection Equipment
    Tactical Gear & Clothing
    Tactical Response Vehicles
    Tactical Weapons & Equipment
    Video System 
and much more!