Thursday, November 26, 2015


This Thursday, we celebrate what George Washington in his proclamation on November 26, 1789 " as a day of public thanksgiving and prayer to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many and signal favors of Almighty God"

This day is not only about Pilgrims but also about American Indians graciously hosting in their territory the former in celebrating with them the good harvests.

This day reminds me of an event held in the 1990s when the National Congress of American Indians invited me to speak before their group in Takoma, Washington. The National Congress at that time was presided by Joe de la Cruz, Chief or Chairman of the Quinault Tribe and of Filipino and Native American descent. He was also a good friend.

After the conference, I was invited by Ms. Roleen Hargrove, the first Female Chairman of the Puyallup Tribe to visit their reservation. The Puyallup Tribe owns 2/3 of Takoma, which was the host of the conference and the site of the Takoma Sea Port and Airport. It has a land area of 28,547 sq. miles and owns the Emerald Queen Casino, one of the largest Native American casinos in Washington.

Accompanied by my close friend, Fred Lane, Executive Director of the American Indian Trade and Development Council and concurrently Vice-Chairman of the Lummi Tribal Council, we joined Ms. Hargrove in a paw-wow celebrating and thanking the good things bestowed upon Puyallup.

As one of the gifts, I was given this sketch painting that I uploaded, done by George Starr, a local Tribal artist. I have it to this day! It was an only copy.