Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Smart Phone Battles and the Tablet Wars


The iPhone still rules.  So does the IPAD. According to Apple Inc. it sold 26 million iPhones last quarter, 28% more than last year’s. There were also 17 million IPADs sold, an 84% increase, a quarterly record.

The patent rights case that resulted in a billion dollar ruling in favor of Apple and against Samsung devices that utilizes the Android OS further reinforces Apple’s current frontrunner status.

On September 12, 2012, Apple will launch the iPhone 5 and a new iPod. The launching of the IPAD Mini sometime later will follow.  We expect that these new devices would generate more sales and would again increase the Apple stock price and should let the company maintain its lead.


Google, Inc. which owns and pushes the Android OS to compete against Apple’s IOS has not given up. On the contrary, with the purchase of Motorola and its patents Google is determined to go after Apple in the battle for the smart phone and tablet markets.

On September 5, 2012, Motorola will be unveiling the DROID RAZR M 4G LTE. Of course, the Intel-powered DROID RAZR HD will be in Verizon’s Fall lineup. Motorola jointly with Verizon will launch it on September 18, 2012.

Unbeknownst to many, there was actually a win for Samsung in the patent case with Apple. In 2011, there was an injunction against the Samsung Galaxy 10.1 Tablet in the United States.  In the patent case, the jury ruled that there was no patent infringement by Samsung in its Galaxy tablet.  This is why you now see aggressive advertising, marketing and selling of the tablet.


The other aggressive firm that both Apple and Google should really worry about in the smart phone and tablet wars is Microsoft with its Windows Operating System.

While it is true that Samsung as smart phone and tablet manufacturer would be affected by the patent rights ruling in the United States, pending its appeal, it is now aggressive in pursuing its tie-up with Microsoft.

Recently, it launched a new family of SmartPCs, tablets and smartphones called ATIV based on Windows 8 and Windows RT, and Windows Phone for the new smartphone line. ATIV brand is the reverse spelling of VITA, which is Latin for “Life,” signifying Samsung’s pledge to “make everyone’s life extraordinary with excitement.” The devices launched were the 10.1 – inch ATIV Tab,  the 4.8 – inch ATIV S (smartphone), the 11.6 – inch Smart PC, and the 11.6 – inch Smart PC Pro.


Nokia was formerly the largest cell/smart phone manufacturer and distributor worldwide. In fact, I still have 4 working Nokia phones that are based on the Symbian Operating system.  The assumption is that it knows how to sell and still has access to the worldwide distribution network for smart phones.

Nokia’s decision to give up the Symbian OS in favor of Microsoft’s Windows OS for its very powerful smart phone is indeed a major shot at regaining the market share that Apple, Google, and Samsung took from it.

On September 5, 2012, Nokia and Microsoft will be launching together the Lumia 920 and smaller Lumia 820 that will run on the latest Windows Phone (8) Operating System. Both hope that, outside of its current 100,000 apps that are available, more developers would create applications that could compete with Apple and Android’s 500,000 apps.


Research in Motion (RIM) does not want to be forgotten. It continues its drive to have its Blackberry devices as an alternative to the other smartphones. In a press release, it will launch its new Blackberry 10 OS sometime in 2013 and correspondingly debut six new smartphone devices that will be powered by the QNX-backed OS.

Sony has proven skills in video games, cameras, and audio players. It expects to draw from such skills in developing smartphones and tablet computers. It intends to catch Apple and Samsung in this race in the future.

Sony’s entry into the smartphone and tablet wars is its Xperia brand for both devices.

Excitement is in the air! Competition whether we call it battle or war, is good for the consumers. It breeds innovation, encourages creativity, and of course, brings down prices.

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