Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Image and Name Game at Craft Kombucha's Kickstarter

The home court of the Golden State Warriors is called Oracle Center. That of the LA Lakers and the Clippers is Staple Center; Washington Wizards, Verizon Center; and the San Antonio Spurs, A T & T Center.

In this digital age of exponential technologies, quite noticeable is the emergence of exponential entrepreneurs that mastered the art of producing exponential numbers in terms of brand recognition, market demand, and of course, revenue.

Oracle, Staple, Verizon, and AT&T are exponential firms possessing exponential technologies that are run and owned by exponential entrepreneurs. They recognize that in the Marketing Mix, one must not only have the right Product with the right Price and in the right Places of distribution but most importantly, with the right Promotional strategy.

Creating a reputable image and a good name is a key factor in every Promotional strategy. It is for this reason that it becomes worth the investment for the owners of the above-mentioned firms to be identified with the home courts of the NBA teams.

The Kickstarter Campaign of my daughter Tanya Maynigo Louck’s Craft Kombucha follows the Reward system in Crowdfunding as I described in a previous article. If you like the project, you back it and correspondingly you get a reward. Any of the rewards is worth the investment that you make. But as I wrote on Facebook, and said so in the barbershop, I am particularly biased in favor of one backing opportunity by virtue of the reward especially for those who have dogs, love them, and would like to honor them.

This is the deal and why I think it is a very good one in these exponential times. You are asked to donate $1000 and the reward is for the Image (photo of your choice) and Name of your Dog inscribed in the new VAT to be purchased by virtue of the Kickstarter Campaign.

Is it worth the investment for your loving Dog – your best friend, reliable companion and protector? Before you answer, consider the following:

1.              The VAT is a stainless steel container for fermentation, malting, grist and storage. Its life span is 25 years;
2.              Statistics show that the average life span of Dogs (depending on the breed) is 12 years;
3.              Kombucha as a product has been consumed for thousands of years – some say it originated in Manchuria in 220 B.C.; others trace its roots to Russia – and enthusiasts prize the drink for its beneficial probiotics, organic acids, vitamins and antioxidants.
4.              Taste - De gustibus non est disputandum is a Latin maxim meaning "In matters of taste, there can be no disputes". This is why Craft Kombucha offers a seasonal lineup of dozens of flavors designed to bring its customers a product that is exciting and innovative throughout the year, with flavors like Cherry Blossom, Winter Mint, Pumpkin Spice and Spicy Pineapple. The regular and traditional flavors include Ginger, Grapefruit, and Elderflower.
5.              Craft Kombucha - Named as “Craft”, it draws inspiration from the world of craft beer, hence – its signature line of flavors called the Hops Series. Bringing the enjoyment and flavor of drinking craft beer to kombucha, four flavors are offered Citra Hop’d® Lemon, Hibiscus Galaxy Hops, Bavarian Falcon, and Blackstrap Chinook Hops.         

Let us convert this into numbers for better appreciation:

1.            The VAT will last for 25 years: The total cost of the Image and Naming is $1000. The total number of months = 25 x 12 = 300. The monthly cost for the reward would be = $3.33 or an average daily cost of $3.33/30 = $.11/day.
2.             The Dog will live for 12 years: The total cost for the Image and Naming is $1000. The total number of months = 12 x 12 = 144. The monthly cost for the reward would be = $6.94 or an average daily cost of $6.94/30 = $.23/day. ( Note: The Image and the Name of your Dog will be inscribed in the VAT for as long as the VAT functions. It could even last more than 25 years.)
3.              The corporate life of Craft Kombucha is at least 25 years and will surely last longer if the Kickstarter Campaign succeeds and the business plan proceeds. I have no doubt about it.
4.              The variance in taste as well as the option for consumers to mix their own to satisfy their own taste justify the viability of the business for a long period of time.

Whoever or whichever outlives who or what, the memory, the image and name will always be there.

In the Washington DC area where I have lived for over 35 years, everybody is wheeling and dealing. They say that you cannot really have a true friend. If you want to have a real friend – get a Dog.
“Every Dog has its day,” the saying goes. Craft Kombucha has a Dog - GUINNESS as its virtual co-founder. It looks like he has had his day and more.

Give your Dog his day by having his Image and Name inscribed in one of Craft Kombucha’s new VAT. Make him a VAT DOG! It is worth the investment.

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