Wednesday, February 12, 2014

FLEKSY: A Promising Revolutionary App

My job used to bring me to Asia quite often but I never landed in the Philippines for political reasons.  The People Power Revolution changed all that as I started visiting the country renewing old networks and introducing new technologies.

Landing deals representing companies from the U.S.A, Canada, Europe, and Asia in the Philippines as well as representing the interests of the Philippine Government in Washington, D.C. required more presence for me in the Philippines.
Traveling and communicating more, cellular calling and texting became the major mode of communication.  Since texting was the cheaper way, most of the people who have cellphones do it.  Some were so skillful they could text either using the right hand or the left hand. I even witnessed some who could do both at the same time.

I guess if you do it quite often, you are bound to perfect it.  It was in the Philippines where l Iearned the art of texting. It was also there that I got to learn and use predictive texting.

When I closed my office in the Philippines and settled back in the U.S. for health reasons, I stopped using texting as my primary method of communicating because here, cellular calling was the cheaper way.  In fact, it was unlimited.  

Lately, my carrier changed its program to unlimited voice and text.  So, texting is again open to unlimited use requiring the usual skill and dexterity.

While attending the International CES, texting and emailing became the method of communicating with PR agents who invited me to meet and interview the inventors, CEOs or Product Managers of new products and technologies that were being launched.

One product or technology that caught my attention was an app called FLEKSY Keyboard.  Invited to meet the founding developers of the app, I arranged for a meeting and a demonstration at the Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas.  The app is supposed to be the most advanced version of predictive texting that is available today.

Ioannis Verdellis is the founder of Syntellia, creator of FLEKSY Keyboard.  He says that the app was originally tested with blind users but he knew that it could also be helpful for most people who have been frustrated with autocorrect.  It has a feature that speaks words that you type.

Due to fumbling fingers, many of us have been guilty of typing inaccurately.  FLEKSY changes all that.   According to Syntellia, “FLEKSY is a state of the art text input system so powerful that you can type without even looking at the screen.”  This is actually true.  This was demonstrated to me in Las Vegas.  But of course, it would take some getting used to.

I love my iPhone 5s and my iPAD.  Their touch screen features have been amazingly good at so many tasks that I have relied on them more than my landline phones, pocket cameras, and printed maps.  But partly because of my big fingers, I usually have problems with my keyboard in the small handheld device.  But FLEKSY’s keyboard is changing the environment.

Based on my experience as I tested it, the keyboard really fixes your grievous typing errors.  It even speaks back the word to you so you know what it thinks you typed. There are gestures that you must learn to make it easier and faster to use.  You swipe right to make a space.  You swipe left to delete a word.

With FLEKSY, you can virtually throw accuracy out the window pretty much entirely.  Typing with it is a very effective way.  Of course, knowing how to spell is required for FLEKSY to be able to figure out what you really meant.  Good spellers would be good FLEKSY users.

Some experts and technology magazine reps who attended the International CES called FLEKSY “a revolutionary technology – a keyboard experience like no other.”

One expert said, “the app is a game-changer” while another stated with amazement, “it felt like it was reading your mind.”  FLEKSY makes happy typing!

Download and try it!  It is FREE!

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