Thursday, May 30, 2013

PRODUCT REVIEWS (Useful and Stylistic Accessories)

I had to travel to Brooklyn, New York during the Memorial Day Weekend.  It was because I attended the wedding of my daughter, Traci, and Jason Myles Goss.   As in all my travels, I brought with me my iPAD and iPhone together with all the useful accessories to these devices.   Since this was the wedding where I was the father of the bride, and that meant substantial exposure to  many people (wedding guests), I decided to add style to utility re the accessories for my gadgets. 

Fortunately, a few days before our departure, I received some products that I found to be very functional, of good style, and hip.


I have several cover cases for my iPAD.  I received them also as sample products for review by attending the International CES in Las Vegas and the MACWORLD in San Francisco.   The Woodchuck case is different in several ways.  One, it is made in America compared to the others which are made in foreign lands.   Two, it is made of recycled wood and plastic.  Three, they look durable, beautiful, and, as described by the manufacturer “highly customizable”.   Four, as what the company did to my iPAD Woodchuck case, the company laser engraved what I had wanted onto the wood backing – “Personal Property of Benjamin G. Maynigo”. (See the picture).

Amidst its patent usefulness and beauty, the case looked very simple and easy to install.  What I really find attractive, other than what the product brings, is the fact that they are using recycled materials and they are made in the United States.  It is also about loving nature and bringing jobs back to America.

Purchasing one, two, or more for your own use or gifts to friends and relatives would actually be helping in the mission of job creation.

I recommend that our readers buy the case either for iPAD, iPhone or other mobile devices.


There were several events leading to the actual wedding ceremony of my daughter, Traci.  Almost everybody, especially the younger generation consisting mostly of the “Digital Natives” were continuously using their smart phones or tablets – talking, emailing, skyping, browsing, taking pictures, updating, tweeting, and doing other social media activities.  Of course, sooner or later, their devices would reach a “low bat” situation.

I knew this. That’s why I went prepared.  My chosen power banks were from Powerocks – Stone 3, which I reviewed earlier; TAROT; and MAGIC STICK.  Because of their portability, I always brought the last two to all the social events.

TAROT and MAGIC STICK were hits at the wedding events.  When I lent the MAGIC STICK to my daughter Tanya, not only did she recharge her own iPhone but started recharging the others’ devices as well.  It was very useful.

I chose to keep the TAROT for myself placed in a cardholder together with my credit and business cards.  It served me well.  I never had to worry being placed in a “low bat” situation.


This is the world’s thinnest portable power bank.  Being ultrathin, it is designed to fit in a wallet, pocket, or small purse to provide an emergency charge for smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices quickly and safely when away from a power source or outlet.  It provides emergency power whenever you leave the house or when travelling to charge your phone or device so you’ll never miss a call, lose power during a meeting, or be without your device when on the road.

It weighs just 1.79 oz, with measurements of 3.5” (length) x 2.1” (width) x 0.28” (height). It has 1500mAh capacity.

Priced at $34.99, I think it is worth buying.  I highly recommend it!


Rechargeable, Portable and Lightweight!

This extended battery is small enough to easily fit in a purse, briefcase, and backpack, even in the palm of your hand.  It is a lightweight but very powerful battery as I have proven only recently.  It is perfect for work, vacation and everyday on the go.  It has a modern slim, sleek, and stylish design.  

Many who used it during the wedding are planning to buy it!

So should you!

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