Saturday, July 12, 2014

2014 & 2015 International CES at the Sin City
I attended the 2014 International CES held at Las Vegas, Nevada on January 7-10, 2014 as I did the previous CES events for several years.

I am very proud to say that I was an active participant in making it a record-breaking year for CES. The attendees and exhibitors enjoyed unique experiences and were exposed to new technologies and products many of which I described as “Magic, Miracle, and/or Mind-boggling”.  Most recently, I added “mystery” in the description.

Having attended this incredible technology event for over a decade as a credentialed member of the Press, I know whereof I speak. But for purposes of showing a more objective analysis of the 2014 International CES’ performance, I thought that I should cite the numbers coming from the AUDIT Report.
Here are some selected highlights:
First, the size of the Exhibit Space was large – 2.06 million net square feet.

Second, there were 160, 498 attendees.  Of these, 40, 828 were International attendees; 6, 575 Media; 2, 670 financial professionals, and 3, 673 Exhibitors.

Third, the Conference Sessions attracted 3, 987 attendees.

Fourth, 97,043 attended the exhibits only.

Sixth, there were 954 International Conference attendees.

Seventh, 1,878 represented the International Media.

Eighth, International visitors from 144 countries attended.

Ninth, 81% of the top consumer electronics retailers sent representatives.

Tenth, there were more than 20,000 products and technologies launched, displayed and demonstrated. 

Eleventh, the event attracted 146 U.S. government representatives led by The Honorable Penn Pritzker, Secretary of Commerce; 3 Members of the U.S. House of Representatives; the Chairman and 4 Commissioners of the Federal Communications Commission; other Federal officials from the Department of Transportation, Federal Trade Commission, and the U.S. International Trade Commission; and several U.S. State Elected Officials.

The 2015 International CES will be on January 6 – 9, 2015. It will also be held in Las Vegas, Nevada. It is expected that all the record numbers that I highlighted above will be broken in this coming event.

Registration for this event is now open.  I am encouraging our readers who are interested in consumer technology to attend the event.  If you intend to, I advise that you register now or before the end of August. 

Why? Registration prior to August 31, 2014 is FREE. Starting midnight of September 1st, there is a $100 registration fee.  It will be $200 onsite.

By the time you read this column/blog, I would have already sent my registration.

When I said this event would produce new record numbers, I meant not just more attendance and larger exhibit space and therefore exhibitors but also because there would be more products and technologies that would be launched, displayed, and demonstrated.

Like in the past, due to time and human limitations, I will give priority to visiting the booths of products that would answer positively the question, “Is the product describable as Magic, Miracle, and/or Mind-Boggling?” Or even Mysterious?

I can’t wait!

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